Recipe Peas Rice Ground Beef Diced Tomatoes

Bowls of Spanish rice with seasoned ground beef and peas.

There are specific childhood images firmly rooted in my memory, like my father waking us upward in the eye of the night for midnight pancakes. The way my mother, who is now deaf but was profoundly hard of hearing when nosotros were young, would waltz into our bedrooms with a, "Wake upward sleepyhead," earlier snapping open the curtains singing "You Are My Sunshine" slightly off-key but with no less passion.

The smell of coffee brewing and pans banging on Saturday mornings every bit mom or dad – sometimes both – were making breakfast loudly to coax u.s. girls out of bed.

The yellow walls in our kitchen and the mode the morning lord's day filtered into the room through the frilly lace curtains that mom had stayed up late one evening sewing, watching as the shadows they created danced across the table, floor and walls.

The cabinet to the left of the stove were v- and 10-gallon canisters lived. Each canister filled with rice, pinto beans, flour, saccharide – staples that would ensure we would never go hungry.

The vegetable garden my parents tended to in the backyard filled with squash in winter and tomato vines and corn stalk taller than us in the summer.

A sugarcane patch tucked into the corner of the garden that we'd sneak pieces off to chew on while playing exterior.

There are so many more memories. Some that I've already shared on this blog and more that I volition undoubtedly share in the future.

This dish is one of them. It was introduced to us by a close friend of the family. Lee worked with my dad, and his wife, Jan, became one of my mother's dear friends. They had a son around the same historic period as two of my sisters, and our families became quite close. Then shut that when my mom became pregnant for the quaternary time with my sister Deb, my parents asked them to be her godparents. Many memories were forged over dinner invitations and altogether parties and picnics at the bay so the dads could fish, and the moms could visit while the kids burned off free energy.

Spanish rice, equally January called it, was her contribution to some of these functions. It quickly became i of my favorites. Begetting little resemblance to the Mexican blood-red rice we grew up eating, nosotros weren't familiar with this rice version. Google tells me that the dish was popular in the 70s but didn't site origin. I'm assuming Tex-Mex, simply any its humble ancestry, it's a 1-pan repast that's quick to make from fairly standard pantry items.

Because I wasn't old enough to call back to enquire how to make this back then (I was all about baking at the time), as an adult, I have worked over the years to recreate it from memory, tweaking information technology here and there. It'southward been more 20 years since I've eaten January'due south Castilian rice, and then I don't know how shut I've replicated it, particularly since I've added things I'm sure weren't in her recipe, such as poblanos and peas. I've besides adapted the cooking method to my style of cooking. Fifty-fifty with my tweaks, I've tried to capture the spirit of her dish.

What goes into Spanish rice?

There are three main ingredients in Spanish rice: rice, ground beef, and stewed tomatoes. I normally use California long grain rice though I take made information technology with medium grain and jasmine rice, both to good results. For the beef, I prefer extra lean and organic, but you go with any lean ground beefiness that your budget allows. I employ regular stewed tomatoes if that's what I have in my pantry, merely honestly, I am more likely to have diced fire-roasted tomatoes, and I think that works quite well. It's what I used for this version that I photographed for today's recipe.

Also these three main ingredients, my version includes some standard items I continue in my pantry. I've included commutation suggestions for a few of the ingredients with more mutual ones. Hopefully, I've got y'all covered:

  • White onion (white is used virtually in Mexican cooking, and then it'due south what I tend to take in my pantry merely utilize whichever kind you lot have on mitt)
  • Poblano pepper (tin substitute with canned diced dark-green chiles or double the corporeality of bell pepper)
  • Green bell pepper
  • Cumin
  • Mexican oregano (tin substitute with regular oregano)
  • California chile pulverization (can substitute with regular chile powder)
  • Knorr beefiness bouillon (or beef soup base of option; I adopt powdered because of the higher sodium equally it's also my primary source of common salt in this dish)
  • Garlic
  • Worcestershire sauce
  • Cilantro
  • Frozen peas

How to cook Spanish Rice

I start by saut̩ing my aromatic vegetables until softened, followed by the ground beef existence careful non to break it upward too much Рfor improve texture, I adopt the meat remain in varying sizes with some pieces a little bigger than others. The beef simmers over medium-low heat until it's released its juices. Once information technology does, the heat is cranked upward to medium-high so that the liquid evaporates and the meat renders its fat, which, if you're using extra lean, shouldn't be much at all.

From here, my version of this recipe departs from most versions institute on the net: I remove the meat from the pan and cook the rice as if I were making Mexican scarlet rice.

A little oil goes into the pan, and one time shimmering, in goes the rice, stirring to make sure that every grain of rice has a thin coat of oil. The rice continues to toast until it goes from translucent to opaque to a golden brown color. Taking the time to toast the rice in oil does two things: it gives the rice a nutty season and coats each grain in a little oil, which helps create fluffy rice grains less likely to clump.

Side by side, the spices join the party, blooming until fragrant, a mere 30 seconds, while stirring continuously.

Before the spices have a gamble to burn, the meat gets returned along with the tomatoes and their juice. Everything gets topped with water before calculation the garlic and cilantro sprigs.

After 25 minutes of cooking and x minutes of steaming, the cilantro and garlic become fished out and discarded (or smash the garlic onto a fresh corn tortilla with a spoonful or 2 of rice and ringlet it up into a little taco, you know, as a cook'south bonus for slaving over the hot stove). The rice and so gets fluffed with a fork. Considering I detest overcooked peas, the peas get folded in at the very terminate, simply earlier serving, preserving their bright green color.

How to serve Castilian Rice

  • Serve every bit a main dish with a simple side salad of crisp iceberg lettuce, juicy grape tomatoes, crunchy rounds of cucumber, and batons of spicy radish, all dressed in a creamy cilantro-lime dressing
  • Serve as a side dish to grilled or roasted meats
  • Stuff a burrito with it along with pickled cherry-red onions for dissimilarity
  • Utilize it equally a taco filling (especially for crunchy, hardshell tacos)
  • Transfer to a casserole dish, top with shredded Monterey Jack cheese, and bake until the cheese is bubbling and just turning golden

This recipe is piece of cake to adapt to your family. The poblanos add tons of flavor with no heat, then they're still kid-friendly. If your kids don't like peas, exit them out. Or if your family prefers carrots, swap in small diced carrots that become added when the water does so the carrots accept time to cook and soften as the rice cooks. Is beef too expensive for your wallet right now? Swap in ground turkey or chicken. Want to stretch this dish fifty-fifty farther? Add more rice. Merely make sure that the water to rice ratio is ever 2:1. If stretching it with rice, do taste the h2o afterwards adding the bouillon and adjust to taste if it needs more common salt to compensate for the added volume.

Still you opt to eat this Spanish rice, I hope it becomes an piece of cake win.

Until side by side time, friends … ¡Buen Provecho!

xo, ani

Spanish Rice with Ground Beef and Peas

Serves six as a primary and x as a side


Neutral cooking oil, such every bit safflower or avocado oil

½ cup ¼-inch diced white onion (or yellow)

½ cup ¼-inch diced poblano, seeds and veins removed showtime (or canned diced green chiles, such as Ortega brand or double the dark-green bell pepper)

½ cup ¼-inch diced green bong pepper, seeds and veins removed first

1 pound 90% - 93% lean basis beef sirloin (or lean ground beefiness)

Pinch sea salt

one loving cup long-grain rice

½ teaspoon coarse ground black pepper

½ teaspoon California chile powder (or regular chile powder)

½ teaspoon ground cinnamon

½ teaspoon ground cumin

½ teaspoon whole Mexican oregano, crushed betwixt palms while adding to the skillet

1 (fourteen ½ ounce) tin diced fire-roasted tomatoes (I like Hunt's brand because they have no added sugars)

2 cups water

2 tablespoons Beef bouillon

1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauceastward

2 fat cloves garlic, smashed, skins removed

8-10 sprigs of cilantro

ane loving cup frozen peas, rinsed under cold h2o and left to thaw at room temperature


Cascade i tablespoon of cooking oil into a heated 12-inch skillet set over medium-depression heat. Once the oil is shimmering, add onions. Cook, stirring, for 1 minute. Toss in the poblanos and bong peppers. Sauté vegetables for 3 minutes, or until softened, stirring occasionally. Add the beef, breaking up with a spatula, leaving a few pieces bigger than others for added texture. Go on to melt meat over medium-low rut until all the juices are released, stirring occasionally. In one case the liquid is released, turn oestrus upwardly to medium and cook until the liquid evaporates and the meat begins to brown. Remove meat to a bowl; ready aside.

Add 2 tablespoon oil to the aforementioned skillet. When the oil is shimmering, add together rice, toasting information technology until it becomes golden. Stir often to keep the rice from burning. Drop in the pepper, chile powder, cinnamon, cumin and Mexican oregano, stirring until fragrant, about 30 seconds. Return the meat to the pan, tossing to combine well. Add the tomatoes, h2o, bouillon and Worcestershire sauce, stirring until incorporated. Simmer the rice for 5 minutes, then taste the broth and adjust seasoning. Add together the garlic and cilantro sprigs, cover, lower the heat to medium-low and cook for 15 minutes. Remove from rut – do not lift pb – and let residual for xv minutes to finish steaming.

When ready to serve, fish out and discard the cilantro and garlic. Add the thawed peas, fluffing the rice with a fork to contain the peas; let correspond 5 minutes. Serve as desired.


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