what steps are needed to get dcf out of your life in florida

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Even if you have not been convicted, a criminal tape of charges or arrests may be detrimental to your getting employment, volunteering, or even getting some loans. If this is happening to you, you may want to try to expunge the items from your record. Expunging will remove certain items, as long as you have not been bedevilled. In Florida, to expunge items from your tape, you should begin with a personal review of your criminal tape history. You and so demand to obtain a Certificate of Eligibility, which verifies that the items yous seek to remove are appropriate. Finally, you lot will need to petition the courtroom for an lodge to remove the offending items from your tape. This is a complicated legal process that yous can practice on your own, or you may wish to hire an attorney to represent you lot in the process.

  1. ane

    Request a Personal Review of your tape. Under both state and federal law, any individual has the right to asking a review of that person's criminal history record. This review is to check the completeness and accuracy of the tape. By conducting a personal review, you lot can find out what items are visible on your criminal history record and decide which items to apply to expunge.[ane]

    • The procedures detailed hither are for a common personal review of your record. If you lot demand a certified copy of your criminal history record, you lot demand to contact the Florida Department of Constabulary Enforcement (FDLE) Criminal History Services by telephone at (850) 410-8109 to brand special arrangements. You may also contact them past sending an email to BackgroundChecks@fdle.state.fl.us.
    • There is no accuse for requesting your personal review of your record.
    • The personal review is not required in order to expunge certain items from your record, but it is recommended.
  2. ii

    Provide your personal data on the awarding form. To brainstorm the process, you need to complete the "Awarding for Personal Review of Florida Criminal History Record." The course is available at the website of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE), at http://www.fdle.state.fl.u.s.a./cms/Criminal-History-Records/Documents/PR-and-Challenge-Form_with-print-card_08312016.aspx. Print the application course and provide the post-obit personal information:[2]

    • Your full legal name and whatsoever other names that you may have used.
    • Your electric current mailing address.
    • Your appointment of birth, gender and race.
    • Your social security number and commuter'southward license number. These are both optional just may assist in identifying the correct records.
    • Your contact information. You lot need to give your daytime phone number, alternating telephone number, and an electronic mail address.


  3. 3

    Answer the questions about the reasons for your request. You will be asked if you believe that you have a criminal record in Florida. If so, you should provide your 8-digit state identification number. You will besides be asked why you are making the request. If you are requesting your review to expunge certain records, and then select "Seal/Expunge."[3]

    • Place inaccuracies in your record. If you already believe that there are sure items on your record that are questionable, y'all may provide the date of each arrest and a brief explanation. This step is not required in club to go your personal review.
    • Sign and date the application class.
  4. four

    Get a re-create of your fingerprints. The concluding page of the "Awarding for Personal Review of Florida Criminal History Tape" is a blank fingerprint carte du jour. You must provide a set of fingerprints to back-trail your application. You tin can have your fingerprints taken at almost any police enforcement office, such equally a police department, sheriff's office, or state police barracks. You should contact the function where you would like to accept this done and ask if they take particular times for doing this.[4]

    • In addition to police enforcement offices, you can find a list of qualified fingerprint service providers at http://www.fdle.state.fl.us/cms/Criminal-History-Records/Documents/ApplicantLivescanService-ProvidersVendors.aspx.
    • There may exist an administrative fee for providing the fingerprinting service.
    • Call an part near you and enquire, "Do you provide fingerprinting services that will support a request for a personal criminal records review?"
  5. 5

    Mail in the completed application with your fingerprints. The completed grade and fingerprints should be sent by postal service to Florida Section of Law Enforcement, Post Office Box 1489, Tallahassee, FL 32302-1489 Attn: Quality Control Department. Exist certain that y'all have signed the application form and that the fingerprint menu is completely filled in with your identifying information.

    • Save a copy of the completed fingerprint grade. You will need it to submit (again) with your application for a Document of Eligibility.
    • You should receive a response to your request within xxx business days. If y'all need a faster review, you tin can telephone call (850) 410-8161 or visit www.fdle.land.fl.the states. Y'all can conduct an expedited review for a fee of $24.
  6. 6

    Examine your criminal history report. When you receive your report, you should bank check it for accuracy and completeness. You lot tin also review the record to make certain that the items you wish to expunge are eligible for doing so. Yous cannot expunge whatever items for which you accept been found guilty or adjudicated as responsible or delinquent. Expunging your record is to remove charges that were subsequently dropped or for which you lot were found not guilty.


  1. 1

    Download and impress the awarding class. The first required step in expunging your records is to obtain a Document of Eligibility. Yous begin by printing the awarding form, which is available on the FDLE website at http://www.fdle.state.fl.us/cms/Seal-and-Expunge-Process/Documents/Seal-and-Expunge-Application_Revised-06152010.aspx.[5]

    • When you download the form, it appears on your reckoner screen in a fill up-in format. If you wish, you can type your answers directly onto the form and and then print a completed copy. Alternatively, you may print the blank form and and then complete it by hand.
  2. 2

    Complete Section A of the awarding form. The application form requests identifying information nigh you. Information technology is also where you list the dates of items on your criminal record that yous believe should be expunged. This information will exist reviewed by the district attorney'south part to make certain that you are eligible for having these dates expunged from your record. In completing Section A, provide the following information:[6]

    • Proper name. Include whatever aliases or maiden name, if applicable.
    • Telephone numbers.
    • Date of birth.
    • Race.
    • Sex.
    • Social security number. The FDLE notes that failing to provide a social security number may delay processing of your awarding.
    • Florida driver'south license number.
    • Mailing and permanent address.
    • Absorbing bureau and date of arrest.
    • Charges that you wish to expunge.
  3. three

    Sign the awarding class. Your signature indicates that all of the information on the application form is right and that you believe you are eligible to have the records expunged. You must take your signature notarized, then practice not sign the application until you are in front of a notary public. The notary public will review your identification, witness your signature, and and then affix a state seal verifying the actuality of the signature.[vii]

    • To observe a notary, yous tin exercise a quick search online. You may also normally find a notary public at banks, public libraries or your metropolis clerk'southward office. They may charge a slight administrative fee for their service.
  4. iv

    Submit the application with Section A consummate to the state attorney's office. The state attorney in the county where yous were charged will need to complete Department B on the application form, before you can proceed. Send the class, with your information in Section A, to the advisable state attorney'due south function. That role volition complete Section B and render the form to you. You volition probably receive the completed grade within most two weeks.

    • You tin discover a link to state attorney addresses, arranged by urban center and/or judicial circuit at http://www.stateofflorida.com/attorneys.aspx.
    • You lot should call the country chaser's role before mailing in your form to find out if you should address the class to the attention of any item individual.
    • Go on a copy of the grade before mailing, just in case information technology gets lost.
  5. 5

    Obtain a certified re-create of your court disposition. For each charge that you wish to take expunged from your tape, you lot must go a certified copy of the last disposition from the court clerk. You can work on this while you lot are waiting for the state attorney to complete Department B of your application grade. To go a certified copy of your court disposition, you will need to request it from the courtroom where your charges were addressed. The court clerk may have a particular class to brand such asking. You lot may also be able to make the request in person over the counter.[8]

    • To notice out nigh getting a certified copy, you should call the courtroom clerk'due south office and enquire, "How tin can I obtain a certified copy of the disposition of criminal charges against me?" You lot volition need to know at least the estimate date that yous appeared in courtroom.
  6. vi

    Provide the processing fee. An application for a Certificate of Eligibility requires payment of a processing fee of $75. You must include this payment along with your application form. The payment must be in the grade of a money order or cashier's check, made payable to the Florida Department of Police Enforcement (FDLE).[9]

  7. seven

    Include a copy of your fingerprints. If you obtained a copy of your fingerprints in connectedness with the personal review of your criminal history, you lot may send that same fingerprint carte du jour with this awarding. If not, then yous volition demand to take your fingerprints taken to support your application for Document of Eligibility. A bare form is continued to the application on the concluding folio. Take this form to any law enforcement office or other certified fingerprint service agency.[x]

    • In improver to law enforcement offices, you can detect a list of qualified fingerprint service providers at http://www.fdle.state.fl.us/cms/Criminal-History-Records/Documents/ApplicantLivescanService-ProvidersVendors.aspx.
    • At that place may be an administrative fee for providing the fingerprinting service.
    • Call an office near y'all and ask, "Practise you lot provide fingerprinting services that volition back up a request for a personal criminal records review?"
  8. 8

    Submit your completed application package. When you lot have all parts of your application set to submit, you lot volition need to send them to the FDLE for consideration. If you do not submit a total parcel, your request will either be denied or merely returned to you to resubmit with all the materials. Postal service your complete bundle to Florida Department of Law Enforcement, ATTN: Expunge/Seal Department, P.O. Box 1489, Tallahassee, Florida 32302-1489. Keep a re-create of the complete package for yourself before mailing. A complete package should incorporate all of the post-obit items:[11]

    • Completed Application class, with notarized signature and Department B from the State Attorney'southward office.
    • Payment of $75 fee, in cashier's cheque or coin order.
    • Certified re-create of example disposition.
    • Fingerprints.
  9. 9

    Look a response on your application. The FDLE responds to applications for Certificate of Eligibility as they are submitted. Currently, the FDLE anticipates sending your reply inside nigh 90 days from the date of receiving your application.[12]


  1. 1

    Consult with an attorney. Yous may represent yourself through the residual of the process, but an attorney can assistance you with using the correct forms or filing the papers in the appropriate courtroom. You may be able to go assistance from a public defender, if you lot qualify.

    • The attorney from your original criminal trial may be in the best position to help y'all file the remaining paperwork.
    • If you need to find a new chaser, you can brainstorm by asking friends or colleagues for referrals to attorneys they take used. Yous can also call the Bar Association in your expanse for a referral. You lot volition desire someone with experience in criminal issues, particularly with expunging records.
    • Run into with any potential attorney and ask about that attorney'south feel handling cases like yours. You lot can ask, "How many people have you successfully represented in having criminal records expunged?" Observe out how familiar the attorney is with your particular court as well.
  2. two

    Prepare the forms to petition the court. The Certificate of Eligibility that you received from the FDLE only certifies that the charges you identified are eligible to be expunged. Notwithstanding, you must file a petition with the court where the case was heard to take the charges expunged. An chaser tin can assist you with this final stage of the process.

    • Y'all should cheque with the clerk of the courtroom where your instance was heard in club to observe out the name of the court and your original case number. These items should be presented at the top of your petition.
    • Cheque the court'southward website to find specific forms that y'all need. For example, in Miami-Dade County, the website contains links to the following forms (other courts will accept like forms available):[thirteen]
      • Petition to Expunge.
      • Affidavit in Back up of Petition to Expunge.
      • Order to Expunge (to be used by the court).
  3. 3

    File the forms and pay the filing fee. You will need to complete the forms that the courtroom requires. Nearly of these are fix with spaces for you to fill in your identifying information and some explanation of the reason you are seeking to expunge the records. Consummate the petition and affidavit, and then take the completed forms, with your Certificate of Eligibility and filing fee to the court clerk.[14]

    • The filing fee may be different from one county to some other. You should check the website of your county's courtroom.
    • For instance, in Miami-Dade Canton, the filing for for a Petition to Expunge is $42. You may also be responsible for boosted authoritative costs for copying and certifying the order.
  4. 4

    Gear up for a hearing in courtroom. The court will accept the papers you lot file and will and then decide if a hearing is necessary. In some cases, the gauge may corroborate you petition without a hearing, if all the paperwork is complete and appear satisfactory. However, if the guess has questions well-nigh your case, a hearing will be schedule. Meeting with an attorney is a good thought to prepare how y'all will reply to a estimate'due south questions.

    • The court volition provide notice of the hearing schedule to the prosecutor of your original case so the prosecutor may appear and object, if there is any reason to do and so. You may desire to anticipate possible reasons for any objection by the prosecutor and set responses. For example, if the prosecutor argues that you were involved in numerous criminal activities, you may wish to respond that the charges were several years old, were dismissed, and you take had a make clean record for many years.
    • Prepare copies of any documents or other evidence that you might need in courtroom to support your statements. You volition demand copies for the judge and the prosecutor.
    • Prepare a statement for the courtroom and make copies of all documents and show related to your case that you wish to submit.
  5. 5

    Nourish the hearing. On the mean solar day of your scheduled hearing, y'all must arrive early, dress appropriately, and behave respectfully. It is proper to address the judge as "judge" or "your honor". The court will heed to your arguments besides equally those of the prosecutor or any other interested party that appears. Later on the hearing, the judge will either grant or deny your petition based on the evidence and arguments presented.[15] In making the final decision, the judge will generally consider several factors, such every bit:

    • Whether you accept been charged with or arrested for any more than crimes.
    • Your record since the offense. This includes non only your arrest record but too your power to continue a job and pay your bills. If you accept completed any additional instruction or task preparation, this may serve in your favor as well.
    • Any arguments raised past the prosecution.


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  • To qualify for expungement, in improver to the charges being dismissed, you must also have no other convictions on your tape and no other Florida cases expunged or sealed.


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Source: https://www.wikihow.com/Get-a-Record-Expunged-in-Florida

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